Rise Up

Chloe, Paul, and Erin navigate the deadly consequences of anti-LGBTQIA+ policies and ideologies at religious colleges, tell the story of what happens when queer students on campus fight back, and give our call to action in helping us end discrimination and harm toward queer, trans, and non-binary students at religious educational institutions.  If you or […]

In Accordance With Our Christian Values

Chloe, Paul, and Erin take a  look at how religious schools and colleges are claiming exemptions from civil rights laws now in the context of sexual orientation and gender identity, as told through the stories of queer and trans students who have experienced the effects of a religious college’s reckless abuse. Purchase Elizabeth’s book: https://a.co/d/7CzphhJ […]

Racist Roots

Chloe, Paul, and Erin embark on a deep dive into the racist roots and history of religious colleges by untangling the anti-Black ideologies of Bob Jones University, unpacking the theological arguments used to support segregated schools, and uncovering one of the most monumental clashes between human rights and religious liberty ever fought in the courts.  […]

Indoctrination or Education?

Chloe, Paul, and Erin set the stage for On God’s Campus by giving in-depth background information from their personal lives, upbringings, and the ways that they are directly connected to LGBTQIA+ discrimination on religious college campuses. REAP website: https://www.thereap.org/ REAP Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reap_lgbtq Support On God’s Campus: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/to-reap-2023 Axis Mundi Media: https://www.axismundi.us This podcast was created […]

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